
Meet Milizhia. She spent 4 years in the foster care system before aging out. She has faced incredible challenges, but continues to push forward to do all she can to succeed. Her life speaks of deep hardship and pain – yet also displays the resilience and heart of gold that she has chosen to keep through the ups and downs.

When Milizhia first approached Dream Makers, she was in need of professional clothing for work and for foster care advocacy speaking engagements. Having this dream fulfilled enabled her to continue using her voice to encourage youth and remind them of the power of their story. Along the way, we have also helped Milizhia with food and gas cards when she was in need of assistance, allowing her to get to places she needed on a daily basis, such as work and the grocery store.

This past summer, we were honored to get to have Milizhia join us at our annual Farm to Table fundraiser. While there, we surprised her with a live dream fulfillment of secretly purchasing home items from her Amazon Wishlist for her first home! She was overcome with emotions as people walked out to gift her items she’s been dreaming of having.

Having her first home is an incredible milestone, offering her stability and comfort, and this past month she was able to host her first gathering with her loved ones – filling her with deep gratitude and celebration.



