Dreams that empower. Dreams that elevate.
Dreams that help youth take the next steps to success and independence.
– Nurse, CNA or Dental Hygienist:
Scrubs, supplies, kit
– Photographer:
Camera, lens, gear bag
– Cosmetology or Nail Technician:
Hair and nail supplies
– Artist:
Paints, brushes. supplies
– Chef or Culinary:
Kitchen items, knife set, chef apron
– Welding or Carpentry:
Work boots and tools
– Government or Sales Job:
Suit, professional attire, dress shoes
– Advocate:
Public speaking course and professional outfit -
– Fees
– Supplies (notebooks, pen/paper, calculator)
– Books
– GED Support
– Access to Tutoring
– Senior/Graduation Photos -
– Clothing
– Laptop
– iPad
– Phone
– Computer
– Move-in Kit
– Furniture
– Small Household Items -
– Small Exercise Equipment:
Exercise bike, small at-home weight set– Classes or Fitness Training:
Dance, Crossfit, yoga, art, etc.– Work Out/Athletic Clothing
– Individual Health Needs:
Glasses, braces, etc.– Vitamins or Supplements for Health Issues
– Art Supplies for Passion and Creative Outlets
– Gas card
– Bike
– Electric Scooter
– Repair and Maintenance costs
– Tires
Dream Guidelines
Our program is designed to come alongside youth who have aged out, or are in the process of aging out, of the foster care system and are doing so without support — between the ages of 18 and 29 (not dependents or partners of).
Dreams should elevate, remove barriers, create opportunity, provide permanency, sustain employment, make education available, or promote confidence and growth. Dreams should empower without enabling. (Please avoid dreams like rent, debt, and medical procedures. These are not eligible requests for our program.)
Most dreams that we select are within the $100-$1,000 range. We do occasionally select dreams for higher amounts based on a compelling need; this is rare, but still possible. Please keep in mind the larger the dream, the longer it usually takes to find a donor for that dream.
Please provide accurate and honest information at the link below. Please do not apply multiple times.