Sarah’s Dream

Sarah’s Dream

Sarah spent 7 years in foster care before aging out of the system. She has faced countless challenges – yet she has continued to push forward and work hard to overcome them all!

On our team, Sarah works as our Project Manager and is directly involved in working with the aged-out foster youth who reach out for help. Having someone who knows what’s like to be in foster care has been instrumental in relating to the youth we serve.

Sarah says, “I love being able to work alongside youth like myself. Reading their stories and understanding the feelings they are experiencing is so powerful and healing. I love my job!”

Providing her with a stable job on a safe team has made an immense difference in her life. She says about our team, “They treat me with the compassion I desperately needed and created a place that feels like a home I never had.”

Sarah dreams of continuing to share and use her story to help the many youth that Dream Makers is connected with. She is passionate about using the experiences she has survived to advocate and help others and to turn her pain into inspiration.