Selena's Dream


Selena dreams of work shoes. Fulfilling this dream provides her with the quality shoes she needs for her position as a Personal Trainer at a large gym.

Selena spent almost 13 years in the foster care system until she aged out at 18 years old. She said that the biggest challenges of aging out are maintaining housing at an affordable rent rate, and how unexpected expenses, like car repairs, can be especially difficult to overcome. Currently, she is attending college as well as working two part-time jobs. 

Selena shared, “What makes me unique from others is that I can always get through tough times. This has been a way of life for me as life is never easy for us all. I will continue to do my best and share that experience with other youth in hopes of it being useful wisdom. It's very crucial to stay in a community to know there's always someone there willing to help and understands too that life is difficult alone and better as a team.”

Cost of Dream: $250

All dreams are tax deductible.

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