A Note from A Dream Fulfiller

My name is Nancy and I am a dream maker. I wanted to write to all you dreamers to let you know how I got involved and what the Dream Makers Project is to me.

I first learned about the Dream Makers Project about 8 years ago at a women’s conference at my church. They showed a video of a few young adults who shared a bit of their story and experiences after aging out of foster care. I sat in my seat close to the back of the room and just wept at what I was seeing and hearing. I never even knew kids “aged out” of foster care and if I am being honest, I did not know much about the foster care system at all.

At the time, I had an 18 and a 20 year old and I could not imagine them being able to survive without the safety net of their parents. They were just learning to “adult.”

I believe that God was speaking to me that day through your voices and your stories to open my eyes to the reality of our broken world. He was prompting me personally to get involved – to be the hands and feet of Jesus to those kids I just met. I have fulfilled dreams over the years with the resources God has so graciously blessed me with.

The stories and experiences you share through your dream requests and Instagram posts make me cry, but they also inspire me. I am humbled by what you have had to endure as innocent children, and yet you are strong, resilient dreamers who can do anything you put your mind to.

I hope you continue to use your voices to raise awareness but also to comfort and provide hope for those behind you. Know that you are loved and prayed over frequently.

I have found that I am the best version of myself when I am seeking God’s wisdom in His people and His word.  I recently read through the entire Bible (amazing for me) with the help of The Bible Project App which has awesome videos that explain each book/concept. I felt so accomplished when I did it, but more importantly, the wisdom of The Word I now etched in my heart, bringing me joy and contentment no mater the circumstances. If you have wanted to do this but felt overwhelmed by this old book – check out their app or website

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“Calming in Chaos” by Lisa Cuss